Since 1994, we have specialized in converting your ITS, intersection, or freeway management concerns into solutions. Paradigm distributes a full line of intelligent transportation system products and parts, and provides planning, installation, and service.
We create custom-made solutions adapted to your unique needs and technical requirements, using technology from the top manufacturers. Our staff has the knowledge and manpower to provide hands-on customer service and ongoing support for small or large projects. If you have inquiries or would like to get started on a project, contact us.
If we propose a product as a solution, it's because we know it works in the field, and we believe in its quality.
Having more than two decades in the traffic control industry has translated into hundreds of projects completed with satisfied clients. These could not have been accomplished without our business partners — the manufacturers and software developers who innovate every day.
Paradigm Traffic Systems is pleased to be a member of a number of important organizations. Some work to improve public safety and protect safety personnel; others streamline the procurement process. Some help keep transportation professionals up to date in their field. We appreciate the opportunity to work with all of them.